19 March 2010


1st prize English Versification in 2007

A step into the deep dense forest
Drowns me in a myriad of voices!
Scampering padded feet of the hunted
In desperate flight from stalking enemies!

The cautious footsteps of the beasts
Whose fiery eyes spot the dawdler in a herd
Let out growls and snarls of anticipation
Filling the air with an unnerving echo!

The valiant gurgle of a bubbly stream
That gushes past from mountains afar
With water clearer than the finest crystal
Adds its charm to the wilderness!

Sunlight finds it hard to penetrate
Heavy foliage that lends a green glow
For only the arboreal dwellers enjoy its warmth
The burrows live in eternal night!

And in the undergrowth sits and screams
The noisiest lot of ‘em all – the crickets!
Up and down their crescendo goes
Trapping me as if in a time warp!

The calls of the feline, canine, vulpine and equine
Thrills along every nerve I have!
It sinks me into a serenity hitherto unknown
For that is sure the very voice
Of our Mother Nature!

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